I would recommend that adult cats should have a complete veterinary examination at least once a year. Kittens should visit the vet every three to four weeks until they are about four months old. Older cats should try go about twice a year as these are more likely to get an illness.

When to bring your cat to the vet
Some symptoms which would lead you to bring your cats for veterinary treatment would be reduced appetite, reduced activity or no longer acting as your cat normally would act. Vomiting, diarrhoea, urinating more or less, frequently coughing or sneezing, or discharge from their eyes, ears or nose, should also lead to a visit to the vet.
Getting your cat vaccinated
Vaccinations are a crucial part of your kittens life. They stimulate the immune system against infection before the animal is exposed to the disease. These should be routinely brought to the vet so that they can administer these. Cats should also be given a booster injection every year for ongoing protection.
Neutering your cat
Neutering a cat, in my opinion, is one of the most important procedures that needs to be done. Females come into heat every three weeks. This is a time during which they will meow loudly, be restless and tend to look as if they are in pain. There are drugs available to supress such symptoms, however, like many drugs, there is a risk of side effects. The best way to stop these would be spaying. This has many other benefits such as reducing the chances of womb infections and of breast cancer in later life.
Male cats can also be neutered. This reduces their likelihood of contracting AIDS (FIV) from fighting. It also reduces the likelihood of them spraying in the house and being aggressive.
In both males and females, neutering should be done when your kitten is around five to six months old. It is a very easy procedure and most cats return home on the same day.