Popular for their long, droopy ears and sweet temperament, the lop-eared bunny can actually be one of many different types of breeds, including the classic English lop and Cashmere lop. These bunnies have a long history of being favourite companions.

Physical Traits of Lop-Eared Rabbits
The most telling physical feature of the lop-eared rabbit is, of course, its droopy ears, which hang down on both sides of its head and may even drag the ground because they are so long. This is quite unique from many other breeds, which have ears that stand straight up. Lop-eared rabbits can be a range of colours and have variable markings. You could easily find a lop that is solid black or brown but may also find them with speckled coats are markings that resemble another breed.
There are two basic sizes of the lop-eared rabbit: a dwarf lop or mini-lop and the larger lop-eared variety. The larger lops can weigh as much as 4 kilogrammes or more and the smaller lops usually weigh about 2-2.5 kilogrammes. Lop-eared bunnies have a rounded shape, with a forehead that seems a bit rounder because its ears are down and framing the face.
Personality Traits of Lop-Eared Rabbits
Lop-eared rabbits have quite the reputation for being playful and sociable, much like a cat or a small dog. These rabbits play well with others, whether it is another bunny companion or you and your children. Lop-eared rabbits may even enjoy supervised playtime with other pets.
The lop-eared bunny is most often chosen as a house rabbit because its intelligent outlook makes it easy to train and simply because the rabbits are a lot of fun to have around. Plus, lop breeds tend to be a little more easygoing and laid back, so they’re not quite as skittish and nervous as other breeds can be.
Lop-Eared Rabbit Grooming Requirements
- Brush your lop-eared bunny regularly to remove shedding hair–usually, once or twice a week will do. Lops can have a harder time with grooming themselves and some lop breeds have slightly longer fur.
- Make sure you clean your lop’s ears on a regular basis. This is not required with most breeds, but the lop-eared rabbit’s ears are longer and tend to get dirtier inside and out. This will especially be a concern if you keep your lop-eared bunny outdoors.
- As with other breeds, you will need to trim your lop’s nails on a regular basis so they do not get too long.
- Check your lop’s teeth often to ensure proper grinding. Lops have a slightly shorter skull, which can mean overgrown molars become a problem much faster than with some other breeds.
Special Lop-Eared Rabbit Considerations
- There are several different types of lop-eared rabbits, including an English lop and the dwarf lop. However, all lop-eared rabbits will have the same trademark droopy ears.
- The primary health concerns lop-eared rabbits face that other rabbits do not usually involve injuries to their long ears, so be mindful of them and ensure proper cleaning. Additionally, lops can find it harder to clean themselves because their ears can get in the way and sometimes, a lop’s ears will cause issues with hearing and eyesight, especially in older rabbits.
- Whilst the lop-eared rabbit is definitely cute, with its large eyes and droopy ears, it does also need a little extra care than some basic breeds. Even still, this bunny is a favourite among rabbit owners because of its sweet personality.
- The life span of a lop-eared bunny will depend on its genetics, but these bunnies can live between 7 and 12 years with proper care.
- Lop-eared bunnies can be kept outdoors in a safe enclosure, but they can be an easy target to predators because they tend to have limited vision and hearing.
With their precious appearance, lop-eared bunnies are easily a preferable pet, but these bunnies can need a little extra care and attention by their owners.