The Rex rabbit was first developed in France in the year 1919 and has since been one of the most accessible rabbit breeds. There are actually several Rex breed varieties, including the mini Rex, but the standard Rex is the more common breed.

Physical Traits of the Rex Rabbit
One of the most noteworthy features of the Rex is its thick, velvety fur, which can be a range of colours, including black, white, grey, and sable. You will probably notice some small areas of curl in your Rex’s fur and their whiskers are often shorter ad slightly curled as well. The Rex is a medium-sized rabbit, usually weighing 3.4-4.76 kilogrammes.
This bunny has a rounded body with smaller feet and tends to hold its ears in an upright position. Your Rex rabbit has a bit of a broader face and females have a dewlap, which is a flap of skin, under their chin.
Personality Traits of the Rex Rabbit
Rex rabbits are notorious for their intelligence and are sometimes referred to as the rabbit that is the ideal house breed because it is easy to train. Additionally, the Rex is sometimes noted as having a similar personality to a cat because of its love of play and curious outlook.
You should have no problem training your Rex to do tricks or come when called, especially if you have treats to offer. Your Rex rabbit will enjoy running and playing, along with performing high jumps when given the chance, but this bunny can also be gentle and docile, which makes it ideal for households with children.
Rex Rabbit Grooming Requirements
- Rex rabbits do need brushing to keep their dense fur from getting matted, so it is a good idea to brush them several times through the week.
- Trim your Rex’s nails as needed, which may be as much as every six to eight weeks.
- Examine your Rex’s feet for matted fur or other problems on a regular basis. The feet of the Rex is one of their weaker points, so they should be well tended to.
Special Rex Rabbit Considerations
- Rex rabbits tend to have a shorter life span than some other breeds without spaying or neutering. The average life span of a Rex rabbit is usually five or six years, while a spayed or neutered Rex can live as many as 12 years.
- Rex rabbits are not resilient to either extremely hot or cold temperatures, which makes them an ideal indoor rabbit. If your Rex rabbit is kept outdoors, you must make sure it has proper shade from the heat and shelter from cold winds in the winter.
- Most Rex rabbits are a generally healthy breed, but some can be prone to sore hock because of their size.
- No special dietary needs are required for the Rex; only a healthy mix of quality pellets and hay. However, if food has a too high protein concentration, the rex rabbit can be prone to repeated hair loss and shedding.
- Because Rex rabbits can be hefty in weight with smaller feet, it is best to keep them in a hutch that has a mostly solid floor so they do not develop sore hocks and problems with their feet.
Overall, the Rex rabbit breed is an excellent bunny choice that is overall healthy and easy to care for but will be a valuable addition to your family.