The Story of a Rescue Hen

In today’s modern world, there is an insatiable demand for cheap food.  Eggs are part of this, mass produced to meet the demand the consumer-driven demand for the cheapest possible way packet of a dozen eggs.

Optimum production and cost control along every step of the process is important to producers and supermarkets to meet consumer demand for cheap eggs.

There are many different types of commercial egg production set up, but in all varieties a time come when it is considered that the hen is no longer commercially viable.  This means that the cost of looking after and feeding the hen is outweighing the profits that can be made  from the eggs that she lays.

Younger hens lay more eggs, so typically between 1 and 2 years of age, the profit per hen decreases and the time comes to replace her with a younger model.  It’s sad but as consumers of eggs, this is something that is driven by the decisions we make in the supermarket.

So at 18 months of age, the commercial hen faces an ultimatum, a final and very certain one, of which I need not say more.  Or an option that will set her free to live a happy life, laying many eggs may I add, for many years to come.  The choice for us is simple.  Don’t you think? 

Rescuing hens is the choice we should make if we can at all.  Having your own hens, reduces consumer demand for commercial eggs.  If you share with family and friends it reduces the demand further.

When you rescue a hen you get lots of freshly laid eggs, but you also get to witness an extraordinary transformation.  In the coming weeks, months, you will see an amazingly resilient victim of us consumers change into a confident and trouble free member of your household.

It’s literally, food for your body and your soul, a food that can be so addictive, but for once in a very very good way!