Tricks and Training

Every owner dreams of a dog that behaves and performs, but it does take time and patience for this to happen. When you have taken the time to train your dog you will be rewarded with a loyal and obedient companion.

Starting training early is extremely important. Consistent, repetitive reward based training is what works best. Some breeds e.g. Collies, Poodles are highly intelligent and are very quick to learn but others can be strong willed and will take a little longer to train.

Only train your dog for 5-10 minutes a day to avoid both you and him getting frustrated and distracted. Use only treats that are quick for your dog to eat or you will spend most of your time waiting for him to finish eating!

If you are finding it hard to train your dog or there are behavioural issues which you are unable to resolve, there are dog behaviour/training classes which you can take your dog to. Look in your local area to see what classes are available.

However, below are some of the simple tricks which you can start with:

The Sit Command

It seems that this is the first trick that most owners will attempt to teach their dog. We feel an amazing sense of accomplishment when our dog sits on command.

Training your dog to sit has more importance that just performing a trick. The sit command is very important to ensure control over your dog in times of distraction.

It is easily taught by repetitive reward based training.


Have your dog stand in front of you.

Hold a treat to its nose and slowly raise it back over its head.

This will lure the dog into a sitting position.

Once sitting, release the treat and praise.

Allow the dog to sit for a few seconds before giving him the treat. Repeat.

The Stay Command

Again this is an important trick to teach your dog and it will be useful in times of distraction.


Have your dog sit in front of you while holding a treat.

Hold your hand out with palm facing down and say “stay”.

Allow the dog to sit for several seconds before giving him the treat.

Once your dog has mastered sitting in front of you for several seconds start to step backwards away from him, saying “stay”.

Each time he moves to follow you, gently put him back in seated position and repeat.

Gradually build up the distance between you and your dog.

Shake Hands

This is a party trick that both adults and children will get a lot of entertainment from. Again, this is easily taught with repetitive reward based training.


Have your dog sit in a sitting position in front of you.

Hold a treat to his nose and allow him to sniff it, to know it’s there.

Close your hand over the treat to make a fist and hold your hand in front of the dog.

He should paw your hand to get at the treat and when he does say “Paw” or “Shake”.

Only reward if he paws at your hand.


Alternatively, if your dog is not responding to the instructions above:

Have your dog in the sitting position in front of you

Lift his paw into your hand and say “Paw” or “Shake” and reward him


Walking on the Lead

Training a dog to walk on the lead is an extremely important requirement as all dogs need exercise. In most cases exercise will take the form of long walks on a lead. A dog should walk along by your legs and not pull on the lead.


Start this training early because it’s easier to train a puppy than an older dog.

As soon as the dog starts to pull on the lead, stop walking.

Position the dog next to your legs and continue walking.

This can take time but it will be worth it in the end to have a dog which walks without pulling.